Some 27 schools across Yorkshire and the Humber now have Combined Cadet Force (CCF) units that offer young people aged 13-18 a broad range of challenging, exciting, adventurous and educational activities.
Until a few years ago, there were just nine schools in the region offering the CCF to their pupils – and, of those, only one were in the state school sector.
CCF grows in state schools
Now, however, numbers have more than doubled with the state school sector accounting for the vast majority of this growth.
The CCF offers opportunities for Royal Navy, Army and RAF sections however very few schools have all three and most only one. Although some of the activities and training are common, each have their own values, activities and training priorities based on those of their parent service. The theme running throughout the CCF is engagement and personal development; in this case using military-type activities to enable growth.
New opportunities for students
A CCF offers pupils, staff and the wider school an additional area for growth and development affording opportunities that would be otherwise unavailable. It might not be for all but it can engage with students who might go through school and miss the opportunities for development given by performing arts, sport or other areas of the school. It gives the students a chance to get to know a wider-range of people from across the school, develops teamwork, leadership and followership through challenge. Whatever their academic ability, the CCF can give pupils a chance to shine.

To find out more about the Combined Cadet Force click here.